[Note - this feature is only available in Pro subscription]
Manage Recipes provides an easy way to create, edit and delete your recipes.
Recipes are a group of individual inventory items that have custom quantities built in. A recipe is a simple efficient way to perform complex calculations for your quantities in an estimate. They can be used to quickly populate estimates with your standard items or used within the GTO tool for rapid estimating of an entire floorplan.
Recipes are a group of Inventory items combined as one heading, kind of like a folder. An easy analogy to use is a cooking recipe. We know all the parts we need to create the desired result, so we’re going to combine them all in one simple package.
You can navigate to through your recipes using the dropdown boxes at the top of the first panel. These dropdowns are your types of work, work stage and cost centres.
The top panel displays the code of the recipe, the name of the recipe and the recipe price per unit.
To delete a recipe simply click the "Trash" can button on the right of the row associated with the recipe.
To Create a recipe simply click the "Create Recipe" button on the far right of the screen above the second panel.
A screen will appear asking you to designate a Type of Work & Cost Centre as well as create a Cost Code, Name and declare whether it is to be available in Graphical Takeoffs and what unit of measurement will be used for the recipe item.
Once a recipe is created, it can be edited by selecting the recipe item in the first panel. This will load on the recipe info into the second panel and will load all the recipe items into the third bottom panel.
You can edit any information in the Recipe Info panel to adjust your new recipe.
The Recipe Items panel shows the list of Inventory Items (Ingredients) currently being used in this recipe. This is where the quantity calculations are performed.
For example if your Recipe is for a "Concrete Slab" per m2 and as per your construction you need to provide 0.100 m3 of 25MPA Concrete and 1.000 m2 of Steel then you would add both these inventory items to the recipe and set their quantities to 0.100 and 1.000 respectively. Then when the recipe is used in the estimate, you can set the recipe quantity at the amount of m2 Concrete Slab you will need and the recipe will work out the rest of the calculations.
You can adjust the price and quantity of each Item in the recipe by changing the price and quantity input. You can also delete an Item by clicking the Trash can on far right of the row.
To Add an Item to a recipe simply click the "Add Item to Recipe" button.
A screen will appear showing all the Inventory Items available to be added to this recipe. You can add an Inventory Item by clicking the plus button on the far right of the row associated with the item. You will then see this Inventory Item load into the recipe you have created.
You can also navigate through these Inventory Items by using the Cost Centre dropdown and search input at the top of the loaded screen.
Once your Recipes are created and ready to use, they are found within the 'Recipe' tab of the Estimate builder next to the Inventory tab.
When adding a Recipe into your Estimate Builder you will notice that the line item is red to help quickly identify Recipes and there's also an extra button for 'Exploding'.
Recipe items have all options other than the QTY disabled, as the price and supplier is all based on the containing items individually, so we only need to set the Quantity before clicking Explode, which then separates all the containing items out of the Recipe and into our Estimate.
After clicking Explode you will see this popup with all of the Recipe items within
There is only 2 options to check on the Exploding popup, the first is "Keep in current cost centre" if you select 'Yes' on this option all the containing items within the Recipe will show in your current cost centre after exploding, if you select 'No' this will send all of the items to their assigned cost centre, ie concrete will go into it's own cost centre and be separated from the labour and steel etc in their own.
The last option "Combine like items" is as the name suggests, if you already have some inventory items in a cost centre and then you explode a Recipe into the same cost centre and it has some identical inventory items, instead of adding an extra line item it will increase the Quantity (QTY) of the existing items to keep your estimate clean. If you select 'No' it will simply add in the extra line items, which in some cases is required.
Finally, click Explode and the Recipe (red line) will disappear and the contained quantities will be added to your Estimate - that is your Recipe complete and used.
Also note that Recipes work exceptionally well when used with the GTO tool.
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