[Note - this feature is only available in Trade & Standard subscription - See full inventory for Pro]
Inventory is added into the system in two ways, the first is through the Estimates module (see Estimates - Pro feature). The other is through the Quick Inventory, which is a linked to the Quotes module and a part of the "Quick Quotes". This is the main Inventory manager for the Trade version of MyConstruct.
Manage Inventory
As is the case with every module in MyConstruct, "Managing Inventory" has a management section it. It has all the familiar style, listing and buttons as the other sections do.
The first time entering this section it will be empty whether or not you have previously added inventory from the estimates module. The inventory added here is only used by the "Quick Quotes" system.
Clicking Add New will take you to creating a quick inventory item
Add Quick Inventory and Cost Centres
Fill out the details in the small form shown below, be aware every inventory item requires a "Cost Centre", these can be added and maintained in the Estimates Module
Select from a pre-existing Cost Centre.
Finish the Inventory creation by clicking the "Add Inventory" button, this will return you to the "Manage Inventory" page.
Your new Inventory item will now show in the Quick Quote builder.
You can also mark any Inventory from the Estimating "Manage Inventory" full system as "Quick Quote" to have it appear in the Quick Quote builder as well.
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