[Note - this feature is only available in Pro subscription]
MyConstruct has all the basic reporting required such as outstanding quotes vs jobs and opportunities etc. which are all found in the "Reports" tab in the left side menu - this is available in Standard and Pro subscription levels of MyConstruct.
But did you know there's also an advanced reporting suite available to the "Pro" subscribers which can be used to help you keep track of job costs and project a profit and loss along the way.
To setup job cost reporting there's a few simple steps to follow, but first you will need to Create an Estimate for the Job you if you haven't already, we have a guide for that here.
Once the Estimate is created, you can generate your Purchase Orders and then log your incoming Bills (for the Orders) as they come in the new area know as "My Bills" which we have created a tutorial on as well.
If you haven't already, check out the tutorial on Logging Bills against Orders here.
OK, So now your Job has an Estimate, Orders and you're logging Bills - you can now get the most of MyConstruct's Reporting Suite. Let's continue!
1. First we need to tell MyConstruct the Job contracted price (you can skip this part if you've already logged bills, as it's already done) as this is used to calculate our projections, to do this you simply navigate to the job from the left menu "Jobs" and then "Manage Jobs" - click "View" on the job you want to report, then in the upper right "Edit" options, select the "Set Contract Price" option.
You will then see the below pop-up, here you must select the final Quote for the job (this will be the quote the client has Accepted and you're going forward with) then simply enter the Contract Price (the Quote input will show you the total there if there's no difference so you can just copy it). Finally select a Contract Date - this will give MyConstruct all the variables it needs to report on.
2. Now that you have setup the job for reporting, a new button will appear next to the "Edit" button called "JOB REPORTS" - this will take you straight into the reports for this job.
You can also access the job reports via the "Reports" option on the main left menu, then within the "Jobs" tab, under "Contracted Jobs". But the button within the job is the quickest way there.
Now let's breakdown the reports in detail
Top left - These are the job details shown just like other areas of MyConstruct, any of the blue text will link to the item for fast navigation.
Top right - This is the saved Estimate that we have set as the final contract.
Middle left - The orders VS the set Estimate.
Middle right - This is what is billed VS what was Ordered.
(Note: If you have any queries on how MyConstruct calculates the projections for this report, you can simply hover your mouse over the value and the system will show you how it arrived at the figure.)
Bottom left - Here are the Projections. This is based on what was Estimated VS what was Ordered VS what is Billed.
When Ordered and Billed reaches 100% then the bottom right will appear which is the final costs / profit / percentages.
As always if you require any assistance please feel free to submit a support ticket. We look forward to adding more reporting functions to MyConstruct soon and also encourage you to email us any ideas, feedback or suggestions on how we can improve.
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