Sometimes you might want to add a photo to a quote, or an invoice... or even an order or estimate... Maybe your company logo in your email signature?
In this guide we'll show you how to add images anywhere they're supported in MyConstruct.
All you need to do is find the attach picture button, in this example we'll update your default (standard) quote notes, which is found in the "Business Details".
(Click to zoom)
First just find the insert image button, highlighted in yellow and click that to open the uploader.
Next click on the "upload" tab:
Click on "choose file" and select the image you want from your PC / device.
Next click on "Sent it to the Server" - this will upload your image to the MyConstruct storage server.
(Click to zoom)
The image will update and send you back to the first tab, from here you can decide how the image is displayed.
There's a few options on this screen, but the main ones we want to adjust are:
- Width - This is the width of the image in pixels, we recommend starting low like 200 and working up until the size best fits the area you are placing the image. If your image is large, you'll definitely have to adjust this straight away.
- Height - The height of the image, this will auto adjust to suit the width you set and visa versa.
- Align - This setting tells MyConstruct how you want the text to layout with the image, see on the right side the preview with the random latin text, this text is to show you how the image will sit with your text. The "Not Set" option will mean the image takes up the whole row and the text is forced to be above and below the image. "Align Right" will move the text to the right of the image and left, to the left.
Once you insert the image, if you want to adjust it or make changes, simply click the image again so it highlights and click the insert image button again (set one). This will allow you to make adjustments.
Finally, the "Browse Server" button will let you browse any files you've already uploaded to MyConstruct to be re-used as images in your text areas.
From the browse server menu, you can re-use past uploaded images and delete unused images.
There's a limit of 1000 images per account for now, this can be lifted within reason via support ticket.
MyConstruct will let you insert as many images as you'd like in each text area, just make sure to test it out before going ahead.
For example, I've printed my quote a couple times to make sure the sizing it right.
Keep in mind that if you insert images on a quote (example) it will store to that quote, so if you go and delete your image from the "Browse Server" the it will also remove it from the quote and can cause a blank spot to show instead of the image. So if you remove an image, remember to go update anywhere you've used it in the past, this goes for all areas such as invoices, orders, signatures, etc etc.
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