Keeping track of your hours worked is easy with the MyConstruct Timesheets module, simply select "Timesheets" from the main left menu.
Here you will see a list of hours worked and the Job / Task that you were working on.
At the top of the table, you can filter by Staff and then set the Date Range of which you want to show, by default Timesheets show the last month of hours logged and default to the current user. Only managers and those with high permissions can view other staff hours.
To log your work hours simply click on "Log Hours" to fill out your work hours.
Work Date: Simply set this to the day you want to log hours worked on.
Assigned To: Manager only option, this allows you to assign hours to other staff if you permissions allow.
Job / Opportunity: The job you are logging hours against.
* Quote / VA (Pro only): This allows the staff to assign the hours against either the base contract or a variation, to allow better tracking of labor.
* Cost Centre (Pro only): As above, allows for more accurate job cost reporting.
Task: Here you can enter the work carried out in brief, it's used for a quick note such as "Site visit" etc
In Time: The start time you arrived at the job.
Out Time: The time you left the job / end of task.
Hours Worked: This automatically calculates the hours spend on this job / task.
Managers and Staff with higher permissions are able to log hours on behalf of other staff as well as being able to view / filter and print other staff Timesheets. The standard permissions only allow your staff to log and print their own hours.
Finally, you can print / PDF your Timesheets from the "Print" button and selecting the options you'd like to print.
Done - this is the basics of our Timesheets.
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